To prepare the Institute’s Annual Budgets based on the expected Income and Projects expenditure items for the coming year.
To allocate funds, monitor and control the income and expenditure pattern of the organization.
To act as a pivot upon which the financial obligation to all other Research and service Divisions of the Institute revolves.
To report to Management by way of weekly, monthly or quarterly progress reports and annual final accounts on the financial situation of the Institute.
To keep and maintain proper and up-to-date records of the Institute’s assets and liabilities as a safeguard against theft, misappropriation, fraud and other loses.
To advice on the overall financial policy matters of the Institute in the fulfilment of all financial commitments.

The Institute’s Finance and Accounts Department is sub-divided into a number of sections for the effective flow and control of work.  The sections are:

Final Account Section

This section is responsible for translating and reporting the total financial transactions over any given period of time into a comprehensive and readable document for Management information.

Treasury Section

This section is responsible for collection of all revenue, disbursement of funds, banking and accounting for these transactions in the appropriate books of accounts.

Personal Emoluments Section

 This section deals with all matters relating to payment of salaries and wages through IPPIS, Abuja.  The section also involves in the preparation of personnel cost estimates for the annual budgets

Budget and Capital Section

This section, in consultation with the Executive Director and Monitoring and Evaluation Department prepares the annual budget proposal, attends to report.

Checking Section

This section ensures not only claims paid are free from arithmetic errors but also that all claims are made in accordance with the civil service rules, financial instructions and other government circulars and internal regulations currently in operation.

Substation and Outstation Accounts Section

The section is responsible for inspecting, checking and recording all financial statements of income and expenditure received from the Institute’s Sub/Outstations and reconciling various books of accounts